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08/28/2006 Entry: "Is today almost over?"
Oh, good... It is.
I started out ok. Work was fine. Paddy brought me a blueberry scone. Everything seemed like it would go my way. Then, it happened. I was on my wait to Kiwanis, when Pete hit me with a customer billing issue. OK, I can't deal with that right now, I've got to be at the meeting. Why? Well, the speaker at the meeting needed the club's new LCD projector, and guess which member of the two person Technology Committee has it? Right. So I get to the meeting, and plug it in. The speaker has a new laptop, and she's not familiar with it. So I'm trying to get this thing going, and everyone else apparently needs to speak to me right now, and no it can't wait until I'm done. Luckily, my brother-in-law Dwane drops in, and he's able to get the speaker's computer working so it will send a signal to the video output. Right after the meeting, I head for the MIS Newcastle office. I'm gone about two hours on that trip. When I get back to my desk, I have nine new voicemail messages. Nine. Needless to say, I left work today without finishing all of my work, and that's not like me. I try to leave with everything cleared up for the day. But today, there were other things that needed to be done, so I had to say "this can wait until tomorrow." (And in reality, it can all wait until tomorrow. I did the stuff that just couldn't wait.)
So, I got home a little after 5pm. Matthew's in the "time out" chair. Susan looks like she'd take shots of tequila, if she drank. But I haven't got time to sort it out. I've got a meeting at church, and I've got spreadsheets I need to get printed. It's while I'm printing the spreadsheets that I notice some people haven't gotten some figures to me yet. I look at what I've got assembled, and realize that the info that these folks haven't got to me could affect the outcome, and that's what we were going to discuss at the meeting. So, at 6pm I canceled the 6:30 meeting.
Now's the time to help Susan get the boys in the tub. Nat is crying his head off. Why? Well, because he got up about an hour earlier than he should of. So he's cranky. And I'm cranky. Argh! But now, as I post, they're upstairs in bed. They're quiet. I've got an evening free I didn't think I'd have. What can I fill it up with?