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01/06/2007 Entry: "Christmas Forgets"

I try to do some things at Christmas every year. This year, I forgot a whole bunch.

1) I forgot to post "For Jesus on His Birthday" by Millay. I try to post it every year as my last post before Christmas. I forgot.

2) On Christmas Eve, we always read "The Polar Express," and listen to the book on tape. We didn't.

3) We didn't leave out cookies for Santa.

4) I didn't do the year-end "snares I bought this year" wrap-up.I bought two, and ended up selling one of them, so I'm only up one: the Premier Heavy Rock Nine. (Note: that snare is not my actual snare. Mine is better.)

Where has my head been?

Oh, and there's a new look here.

Replies: 1 person has rocked the mic!

I like it...of course I liked the other new look...that is now an old look.

Oh and Happy delurker day to you!

Posted by Amy @ 01/08/2007 04:41 PM EST

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