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04/01/2007 Entry: "The Weekend Wrap Up"
Here's my weekend wrap-up.
I'm going to start with Friday. For Christmas, my Susan asked that my Mom buy the boys new wallpaper for their room. So she did. She found some nice wallpaper (tan with blue stars), and Friday was the day to put it up. Me, being somewhat ok at wallpapering, took the day off to help. We started at a little before 9am, and by about 3:30, we were done. Everything seemed to go very well, and only the corner with the roof line and the boys' closet door gave us any real trouble. I was cleaning up after we finished when Jim called from the office. Something had broken, and they needed some extra hands. So I went in and helped out.
Saturday I had the entire day off. No gigs, no office, no nothing. It felt great! I started off with pancakes for everyone. Once that was done, and the kitchen cleaned, I went to the hardware store with the boys. We came home, and did some yard work. Since it was so warm and spring-like, I also thought I should pull out the grill. Since I was in the garage, Julia asked if we could go for a bike ride. So we took a ride up to the high school. Later in the afternoon, I worked on the web site that's been taking quite a bit of my time. For supper, Julia wanted Susan's twice baked potatoes.
This morning, Susan let me sleep in a little. I didn't bother with breakfast. Instead, we grabbed something at Dunkin' Ds. Church went well, as usual. Cousin Jen and her new husband Joe were here for a "meet the newlyweds" pot luck. By the time that was over, and we got home, it was around 3pm. Nathaniel fell asleep in the car, and Matthew was asking to go to bed. So naps all around! We went to church again in the evening, and had a Destination Unknown. That's when, after church, you follow one person to an unknown location for games, food, and fun. Mom was the host, and we played some games and had strawberry shortcake.
Now I'm home, and Susan is watching Amazing Race. Of course, I don't really care about that, so I figured "Hey, why not get my weekend wrap up online on time for once."