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08/31/2007 Entry: "My Sister's Fair Day MI-5"

1. Do you attend any country/agricultural fairs? If so, which one is your favorite? Why?

Usually, we attend the Union Fair. For a few years, I've acted as a judge for the talent show. I wasn't asked this year. And most years, one band or another I play in will be booked there. Not this year. So, we didn't go this year. We like to go and look at the animals and so on. The kids like the cows. We usually got to the Lobster Festival too, but I don't think that's really what Lisa had in mind.

2. What is your favorite fair ride? Why?

I've never been really big on rides. I like roller coasters, but they're not really county fair fodder, are they. I'm more inclined to the side show. Not a ride, for sure, but certainly more of a fair attraction.

3. What is your favorite fair food? Why?

A sausage. Of course, I don't usually buy one. Six bucks?! I'm too cheap. I can make them at home for maybe a buck a piece! But I think that would be my favorite. I like fudge too, but again, expensive. I might have a bite of Susan's. That's usually what ends up happening. I'll just eat whatever the kids didn't!

4. What is your favorite part of the fair overall? 4-H exhibits? Animals? Harness racing? Rides? Food?

It's all about even. I like the exhibits and the animals. The food's fine. Horse racing? Not really my thing. I pretty much could take or leave any of it.

5. How much money do you drop for your typical fair excursion?

Well, my sister spent $60 on her fair experience. I think mine might run a little cheaper, maybe $40 or $50.

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