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08/08/2008 Entry: "Friday Fill-Ins #84"

1. You know you're old when you go to bed when the sun's still up, and get up when the sun's still down!

2. My heart is divided between left and right ventricles.

3. MORE COFFEE is what I need RIGHT NOW!

4. I have felt the grace of God, I have known the depths of His mercy. (Though I don't know this for sure, I bet that sentiment is found in a Psalm somewhere.)

5. Gah, won't these people go back to their home state!

6. Get your tax returns in as soon as you can!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I�m looking forward to a peaceful evening at home, tomorrow my plans include playing an afternoon gig and Sunday, I want to see if I can get that fishing trip in from last week!

Replies: 4 people have rocked the mic!

What a brilliant blog post - you had me laughing all afternoon with your answer to #2. razz
Hope your weekend goes as well as you wish it to - cool eh?

Posted by mamasmurf @ 08/08/2008 08:31 AM EST

Hi Billy -- how was Storyland?

Anyways, you are so right about the infestation of tourist. We are pretty much stuck at home in the summer here because the roads are all so clogged. Yeah, the "southerners" have to drive through us before they make it up your way.

Great Fill Ins and I hope your gig goes great this weekend.

Posted by Jean at Penny Lane @ 08/08/2008 09:23 AM EST

I assume you are referring to tourists when you say "these people", and not visiting relatives. lol

Hope you get that fishing trip in this weekend smile

Posted by Jack @ 08/08/2008 01:26 PM EST

LOL #2 cracked me up!

Hope you had a great weekend, thanks for playing :-)

Posted by janet @ 08/12/2008 12:02 PM EST

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