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02/14/2008 Entry: "Washing your Nose on Valentine's Day"

Yes, it's Valentine's Day. Loyal readers here will realize that Valentine's Day is quite special to my beloved wife and I. If you don't recall, you could do a search, or just read here. Anyway, we decided we wouldn't buy each other presents this year. Of course, I "forgot" that! While we were on our way to Portland a couple of weeks ago, we stopped into an antique store. We were just about to leave, and Susan was looking in a jewelry case. The lady who was running the shop started chatting with Susan, and somehow the talk turned to cameos. The lady mentioned there were some lovely cameos in this certain other case. Susan looked them over, mentioned she found them all quite lovely, but found one or two that particularly fancied her. So the other day, when I was going by the store, I dropped in and bought one for her.

Why do I bring this up? Well, for Valentine's Day, Allison bought JP a neti pot. He wanted one. Cool? I'm not thinking so! He tried it out at the office. It was a riot! He was doing ok until the rest of us got laughing. Then he got laughing, and blew a nose full of salt water! He said it reminds him of swimming in the ocean. Gina thinks it would remind her of drowning.

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